students photo


At its core, our program is about the development of individuals, as that is the path to fulfilling our Mission Statement and individuals reaching their full potential. As such, we focus on the following developmental areas –

  1. Academic

  2. Professional

  3. Autonomous

  4. Social and emotional

  5. Self-knowledge

Growth will occur in those areas across the following core activities in line with the WBL Framework

  1. Work-based learning

  2. Career technical education

  3. Comprehensive student supports

Within those activities, the following elements are present, consistent with the research of a high-quality work-based learning experience 1

  1. Individual Development Plan

  2. Connected experiences between the classroom and the workplace

  3. Meaningful tasks that develop target career/occupational skills and align with relevant industry/occupational standards

  4. Workplace project

  5. Adult-youth relationships with an assigned career coach, mentor, and workplace supervisor

  6. Assessment against industry standards

  7. Reflection

  8. Comprehensive student supports

  9. Compensation through credits (negotiated with school) and a wage (negotiated with workplace)